Stay Healthy, New England

Creating a Sustainable Exercise Routine


The warmer weather is here and that generally comes with people wanting to increase their physical activity (hooray!). However, what we often see is that people do not know where to start. They tend to go 0-100 and end up either getting hurt or getting discouraged that they cannot maintain their new routine. Does this

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Top 10 Tips for Feeling Your Best During Pregnancy From Women’s Health Experts


If you are pregnant, congratulations! Pregnancy is a beautiful time in a woman’s life, but it also comes with unique challenges as your body experiences physical and emotional changes. Here are our top 10 tips for feeling your best during pregnancy:  Attend all prenatal appointments. It is so important to attend all prenatal appointments and

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What is Lichen Sclerosus? What Could be Causing Your Genital Discomfort


In honor of Lichen Sclerosus Awareness Month, we wanted to highlight what people who suffer from this condition experience and what can be done to manage it. Early diagnosis and optimal management can drastically improve outcomes and quality of life. This blog will explore what lichen sclerosus is, how it presents, and your options for

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Tips for Gardening This Summer – How to Save Your Back


It’s that time of the year! Big spring clean-ups in the yard, planting, weeding, and landscaping are all things keeping our clients busy and active! It is also the time of year that we suddenly see many injuries popping up due to this sudden increase in activity. Gardening is very physical and can be quite

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