Which Diet is the Right One for You?

Which Diet is the Right One for You?

Written by: Caeley Brennan


First, the diet fad was “no fats.” Now, it’s the Keto diet (which is all fats no carbs). There is also veganism, gluten-free, dairy-free, sugar-free, low-carb, no-carb, and so many more! So which diet is the right diet?

Diet culture can be confusing and there are so many fads and mixed messages that it’s hard to know what really works. Not to mention, influencers and advertisements push certain lifestyles and diets that seem like they work for everyone, but that is not always the case. We all have individual needs, schedules, dietary restrictions, allergens, and preferences. These people are more interested in making money and promoting products rather than spreading credible information to the public. When thinking about coming up with a healthy food regimen, it’s important to focus on yourself and your needs rather than whatever diet a celebrity dietician is pushing on Instagram. So many influencers are paid to promote these overly restrictive fad diets, detoxes, and other products that are complete nonsense. The best piece of advice: Eat well and eat enough.

How to Choose the Right Diet

Restrictive diets don’t work because they are not made to be long-term lifestyle changes. Your body needs carbohydrates, protein, fiber, and other nutrients to function at the highest level. Our bodies are designed to function, after all, not to fit into a size 00. It’s important to fuel your body with the nutrients it needs to work. Diet is directly correlated to immunity, having sufficient energy, adequate sleep, and improved brain function. That being said, it’s more important and beneficial to focus on getting your body all of the nutrients it needs to thrive, rather than how much it should weigh. Intuitive eating has been my favorite practice that I have recently put a name to but have been unknowingly practiced for years. This means listening to your body’s cues for hunger and fullness, eating what it is that you want to eat without guilt, and eating what you know your body thrives on.

It’s also not helpful to ignore that food has become so much more than fuel for most people. Food is tied to memories, people, culture, and tradition. No diet is worth giving up your Grandma’s famous pecan pie forever! This is another reason why overly restrictive diets are not built for long-term health. To put it very simply, feel free to eat a cupcake (or two or even three!), but just make sure you are also eating some broccoli. Give your body what it wants and needs, and slowly, your body will want what it needs. The best advice my mom ever gave me when it came to food was that your plate should look like a rainbow. If your meals look like a rainbow, chances are that you are getting the proper nutrients that your body needs.

How Hydration Fits In

Hydration is also key to a healthy diet. The daily recommended amount of water is half of your weight in ounces. If you are 200lbs, that means you should be consuming 100oz of water a day! Not to mention, if you drink coffee, alcohol, or exercise, this needs to be increased.

Change Your Mindset!

Mindset is also incredibly important when it comes to our diet. What is the reason why you want to change your diet? If it is for external reasons, such as weight loss or wanting to look a certain way, it’s going to be difficult to keep. If your reason is more internally based, like wanting to have more energy, or making certain foods “off-limits,” it may be a little easier!

Remember Your Restrictions

If your body has fascial restrictions, you may not be getting the most out of your food. In order to permeate to the cell level, your fascial restrictions have to be released, which can only be done with myofascial release therapy. This also goes for hydration. Your body won’t be hydrated fully and properly if you have fascial restrictions. That’s why it’s not only important to eat right and drink enough water, but also to listen to your body’s cues on where it feels pain or restriction. Your body functions as a whole and not as separate parts, so all of these factor into your overall health and wellness.

Want to learn more?

If you have any questions about this or are interested in learning more, feel free to contact us today! We would love to discuss your diet ideas with you!

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