How to Cure Hip Pain for Good


Have you been suffering from hip pain for far too long and starting to lose hope? Worried you won’t be able to do the things you used to do? If this sounds like you, you are not alone. Hip pain is one of the leading causes of musculoskeletal pain and disability in the United States. There is hope beyond pain meds, injections, and surgery. Check out these tips below to start learning how to get rid of your hip pain once and for all!

• Achieve balance at the pelvis 

o Balance at the pelvis is critical for hip joint health and function as the position of the pelvis directly affects the position of the hip. The lower part of the pelvic bone, contains the socket for the head of the femur (called the acetabulum), together with the top of the femur making the “ball and socket” joint known as the hip.

o Chronic postural changes like a pelvic rotation or imbalance can cause changes in positioning, pressure, and wear and tear at the hip joint.

o This pelvic alignment is important and should be addressed first before you go ahead with a strengthening protocol.

• Increase hip joint range of motion and muscle flexibility 

o Next, we can key in on the joint and specific muscle flexibility around the hip. A healthy hip needs to have an optimal joint range of motion and muscle length-tension around it. Too much muscle tension or joint restrictions lead to pain and overuse injuries.

o Common muscles that need stretching are the hip flexors and external rotators – the muscles at the front and the deep muscles at the back of the hip joint.

• Strengthen the surrounding muscles

o Once you have achieved balance at the pelvis and flexibility has been coming along, this is a good time to start some strengthening. 

o There are small muscles deep in the hip joint that focus on centering the ball of the femur into the hip socket. These are critical to strengthening as they provide that deep layer of support that is often overlooked in generic strengthening programs.

o Larger muscles of the hip that often need strengthening are the hip abductors and extensors, including the gluteus medius and maximus. 

• Strengthen your core

o Just as important as strengthening your hip is strengthening your core. The core muscles promote the ideal positioning of the pelvis, which we know sets the foundation and position of the hip joint. By being strong enough in your core, you are able to maintain optimal pelvic alignment. So once balance at the pelvis is achieved, this is a great time to strengthen your core, alongside your hip, to keep the pelvis and therefore hip in the optimal position. A strong core sets the foundation for healthy joints above and below!

• Work on balance exercises

o Balance exercises are another excellent way to target the small muscles around the hip and the deep core muscles. Practicing balance in positions that challenge you (for eg. Standing on 1 leg), recruits all of these vital stabilizers with the added benefit of increasing body awareness. This in turn not only strengthens the deeper muscles but also aids in fall prevention. Win-win!

• Assess the underlying cause and make a plan with your PT

o As always, nothing replaces a full, comprehensive full-body assessment from a specialist. Every hip and every body is different. And finding success in curing your hip pain means finding YOUR specific root cause of your pain, and working through a holistic treatment plan. Often, the hip is just the victim of a bigger postural dysfunction or muscle imbalance. Find the underlying cause, and fix the problem. 

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you cure hip pain for good. We are happy to answer any questions on a complimentary 1:1 virtual discovery call!